Some time ago, I received an emailed question asking if I could do an episode on Food Poisoning. 3 days ago, my little girl, 7, came down with symptoms that were really similar to that of Food Poisoning. After doing my own research and then calling the doctor, I thought it would be a great time to address this somewhat common and sometimes dangerous problem. Some of the suggestions given, are those that the Pediatrician gave me after my daughter had been unable to keep even a sip of water down for over 36 hours! She was pale, dry and if I’m not mistaken, it seemed like her eye sockets were indeed a bit sunken. She’s feeling better now going into hour 49 and is now holding down water, Gatorade, and a BRATY( Bread, Rice, AppleSauce, Toast, Yogurt)diet. I hope this helps anyone else who has been suffering with the flu or food poisoning. Remember, the leading reason people die from vomiting and diarrhea is due to dehydration, electrolyte imbalance and organ failure. Don’t wait until the last minute to get advanced medical attention and if it seems like the person is becoming dehydrated, get help right away. Oh, and if you’re weak or dizzy, don’t try to drive yourself in to the hospital…that’s what 911 is for!
Best Wishes and God bless you as we enter into this most Holy season of Easter,
Roy Shaw,
Great episode!!
A good tip with the pedilyte is to mix it with some Thick-it (can buy at most pharmacies). It makes it a little more like jello or applesauce in texture and seems to stay down a little better than the liquid.
What a great idea! Thanks for sharing that tip about how to thicken a liquid without making it hard to digest for those with vomiting and flu like symptoms. Be sure to share ideas, or ask questions or just submit ideas for up and coming episodes of RoyOnRescue.
Best Wishes,
Thank you. This updates me on topic which is daily encountered in my community practice. It happens to groups of young children, infants, teens and adults