Roy on Rescue

Email Questions and Answers Part 1

Hello Everyone!

In this episode of RoyOnRescue, Roy takes some time to catch up on different emailed questions and comments that have come in over the last few months.  The two different emailed questions that were answered were; “won’t laying a person down while choking only make it worse?” and “I thought we were always suppose to control arterial bleeding before beginning cpr!”.   Roy takes his time to discuss these two different topics and explain the reasons why we do what we do in rescue in detail.

Be sure to join Roy in Part 1 of several parts as he works his way through a list of different topics that have been sent in by viewers like you.

Remember,  If you’ve got a question or comment that you would like Roy to answer or give  a response, please send it via email to:  Be sure to follow Roy on twitter at:  @royonrescue

Remember, your actions make a bigger difference than you realize and you can change the course of history.

Keep On Rescuing,

The RoyOnRescue Team

Roy Shaw

Roy is the lead trainer and co-founder of ProTrainings. He is also an EMT paramedic whose opinions about rescue come from many years of experience on the ambulance.

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