Ever see someone hit their head very hard? Wonder if it’s just a minor “Knock on the Noggin” or could it be a serious head injury? In this Roy On Rescue Video Blog entry, Roy Shaw, EMT-Paramedic answers those questions with directives on how to assess, stabilize and treat a person for a serious head injury or minor. There’s nothing worse than sitting with a crying child or an injured adult and wonder if we are over reacting by calling 911, or under reacting by not doing more. Watch this video blog for some interesting insights straight from the Paramedics mouth on what to do.
Don’t miss this entry where Roy puts a common sense spin on how to handle the next event where someone hits their head and no one knows if they should go in to the hospital or just sleep off the headache.
Watch the video below if you would like to see a video animation of what happens in the skull when a person hits their head.
A website that shows a video explaining a traumatic closed head injury is located at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmAML1-F2LE