Hi Alexi! So, asthma is one of the scariest medical problems known. It’s like drowning on dry land and there’s very little we can do about it if we don’t have the proper medications and tactics to relieve the bronchospasms. See your doctor. They are the only one that can prescribe to levels of treatment. 1. Preventative treatment that will make your asthma attacks few and far between and help manage your condition so that you don’t run into problems down the road. 2. A rescue inhaler that can be used to help break the bronchospasms or relieve the asthma attack so that you can breath more normally again. If you have chronic allergies that are causing you to be in a state of inflammation, an allergist may be on the short list of people to contact too. This will help lower your inflammation so that asthma attacks may not strike as often. Exercise is usually good for asthma but you will want to see your doctor and get on a treatment plan first. So, I would highly encourage you to make sure that you have not only one but sever fresh Albuterol inhalers with you or in near proximity. Remove your environmental or food allergies whenever possible and get on an asthma treatment and prevention plan so that you can live your life more fully and normally. All this will reduce your fear of the next asthma attack. I hope this helps and thanks for the question! Roy
Category Archives: First Aid
Can Drinking Colloidal Silver Turn You Blue…Permanently?
What if your skin were to turn blue permanently? In this episode of RoyOnRescue, I talk about the possible irreversible side effects of drinking colloidal silver. There’s dangers and side effects that you should be aware of before you decide that silver is the cure.
My Foot Hurts! Is it sprained or broken?
In this episode of RoyOnRescue, I answer a question from someone who jumped feet first into a shallow pool and now their foot hurts when they walk on it. Is it broken or just sprained and how do I know what to do? Watch this episode to find out more.
RoyOnRescue Interviews Lifeguard Who Rescued Poolside Patient
Three cheers for our heroic Lifeguards! In this episode, I get the opportunity to speak with Logan Evans, the Life Guard who was part of a three person team of First Aid providers who helped a woman who had apparently had a seizure and fallen in the Women’s shower room at a local pool! The problem was that there was a pool full of people and the patient was trapped in a locked shower stall half in and half out of the door on the ground. Watch this interview to see how Logan, Certified Lifeguard, sprung into action to help this person through this scary and potentially life threatening situation.
How Do I Survive A Heart Attack Alone?
It can be very scary to have a medical emergency but even more scary if you’re all alone with no one to help. In this video, I explain what to do if you have chest pain or you think you’re having a heart attack and your alone.
If you’ve ever wondered what to do when you’re experiencing a medical or life threatening emergency and you find yourself alone, you may get the answer you’re looking for right here, on this episode of RoyOnRescue!
What To Do When Choking At Home Alone
Hello Rescue Fans!
Ever wonder what you’d do if you began to choke when you’re alone? Well, someone else did too and asked that I do a RoyOnRescue on what to do during an emergency when you’re alone. This is the first of three videos in a mini series. This one will show you what to do if you begin to choke and want to survive to tell about it. I hope it helps!
3 Ways To Stop Ebola Infection…Today!
Hello Rescue Fans! I’ve debated as to whether I should discuss Ebola from either a professional or lay person level or even discuss it at all. Because of an experience I had where I walked into a contaminated bathroom that could have been an infectious problem, I decided it was definitely worth taking about. In this episode, I talk about Ebola, it’s risks and how breaking the chain of infection through disinfection and barriers, it’s almost impossible to contract an infection. My hope is that rather than simply re-discussing the same things you’ve been hearing about Ebola, I’ll help shed light on how to arm yourself with awareness, and the techniques required to stop an infection in it’s tracks. I hope this helps.
When Does An Injured Finger Need To Be Seen By The Doctor?
Hello Rescue Fans!
I received an email from someone who fell while rollerblading and injured their hand. They didn’t want to go to the doctor if they didn’t have to, but were concerned that they may have a fracture or a more serious injury and didn’t want to make a bad decision.Though I’m no “Orthopod“(slang word for the day meaning orthopedist) but there are a few tell-tale signs that I look for to determine if a trip to the doctor is warranted. Let’s face it, almost all injuries bruise and swell, but it’s in finding a couple of other things like crepitus or deformity that we realize this may be more serious. Keep in mind, even a bruise or swelling could be reason enough for trip to the doc. Though needless trips to the ER are never fun, losing the important function of fingers or toes is even worse. For those of you who can relate, I hope this helps!

How Do I Treat Neck Injuries On The Ice?
In this episode we answer a question that was sent in by a Rescue Fan that wondered what the best course of action would be if a person suffered a neck injury on the ice. It’s important to remember that if the patient has any pain, movement minimization is the goal while maintaining the patients core body temperature while waiting for EMS to arrive. If the person doesn’t feel hurt, they may elect to slowly get to their feet and recover. If they do feel pain, numbness, tingling, weakness or loss of consciousness, the best course of treatment in my opinion is to call 911 or EMS. I hope it helps.

Can I Do The Heimlich On A Person Who Just Had Back Surgery?
Heimlich procedure and if it’s okay to do it on a person who may have recently had a surgery on their back. The quick answer is YES! If you think about it, what’s more dangerous, the Heimlich on a sore back or letting the person die from a blocked airway? I wanted to take a couple minutes and answer this question directly and I hope it helps.