In this RoyOnRescue, we take a look at Stephen St. Bernard, who risked his own life to save another. He caught a young girl after she fell from a third story platform and though he suffered some injuries after the rescue, he saved the little girls life. This is an episode dedicated to the neighborhood heroes that get involved and make a difference. You won’t want to miss the live footage of this heroic event. Thank you Stephen St. Bernard, for being a true hero.
Some have asked, how does catching a falling child compare to catching a weight at that velocity. A physicist has figured it out and states, “If she weighs 50 pounds, the man and ground must push up with an average of 12 times that force, or 600 pounds.”
In this episode of RoyOnRescue, Roy takes some time to catch up on different emailed questions and comments that have come in over the last few months. The two different emailed questions that were answered were; “won’t laying a person down while choking only make it worse?” and “I thought we were always suppose to control arterial bleeding before beginning cpr!”. Roy takes his time to discuss these two different topics and explain the reasons why we do what we do in rescue in detail.
Be sure to join Roy in Part 1 of several parts as he works his way through a list of different topics that have been sent in by viewers like you.
Remember, If you’ve got a question or comment that you would like Roy to answer or give a response, please send it via email to: Be sure to follow Roy on twitter at: @royonrescue
Remember, your actions make a bigger difference than you realize and you can change the course of history.
In this RoyOnRescue Video blog, Roy takes a look at the record breaking heat that most of the Country has been experiencing and gives a few tips on recognition and treatment of heat related emergencies like; heat exhaustion, heat stroke, dehydration, electrolyte problems etc. So learn what to do, and how to survive the severe summer heat. Don’t miss this episode of RoyOnRescue!
P.S. Below, I’ve included some really clear signs and symptoms of heat related injuries, compliments of WebMD. Click on the WebMD link for more information.
What Are the Symptoms of Heat-Related Illnesses?
Heat cramp symptoms include:
Severe, sometimes disabling, cramps that typically begin suddenly in the hands, calves, or feet
Heat stroke can occur suddenly, without any symptoms of heat exhaustion. If a person is experiencing symptoms of heat exhaustion or heat stroke, GET MEDICAL CARE IMMEDIATELY. Any delay could be fatal. Seek emergency medical care for anyone who has been in the heat and who has the following symptoms:
Confusion, anxiety, or loss of consciousness
Very rapid or dramatically slowed heartbeat
Rapid rise in body temperature that reaches 104 to 106 degrees Fahrenheit
Either drenching sweats accompanied by cold, clammy skin (which may indicate heat exhaustion); or a marked decrease in sweating accompanied by hot, flushed, dry skin (which may indicate heat stroke)
Any other heat-related symptom that is not alleviated by moving to a shady or air-conditioned area and administering fluids and salts
In this episode, I wanted to take a moment to focus on the success of rescue attempts. Though it’s no guarantee that anyone will survive no matter how hard we try to save their lives, from time to time…they do.
And this is a video that celebrates survival. Don’t forget to celebrate the caring enough to try, no matter what the outcome too.
In this episode, Roy answers a question that came in regarding how to remove a football helmet if a person may have a neck injury. Roy explains that only when the person’s life depends on it, should a helmet be removed before professional rescue personnel arrive. If the person’s life depends on a rescuer being able to remove the helmet, then it should be removed following a few guidelines. Be sure to watch this episode of RoyOnRescue to learn when and how a helmet should be removed during an emergency.
In this Vlog, Roy replies to an emailed question regarding someone’s friend who apparently has anemic complications. Due to this, she goes into shock, most likely due to the lack of Red Blood Cells which are required to carry oxygenated blood to the body’s tissues. Roy wanted to make sure and reply to this before the weekend. Hope it helps.
Keep On Rescuing,
RoyOnRescue Team
P.S. The following is the explanation of anemia per MedScape Reference(
Anemia is characterized by a reduction in the number of circulating red blood cells (RBCs), the amount of hemoglobin, or the volume of packed red blood cells (hematocrit). Anemia is classified as acute or chronic. Acute anemia denotes a precipitous drop in the RBC population due to hemolysis or acute hemorrhage. In the emergency department (ED), acute hemorrhage is by far the most common etiology. This article also discusses other causes of acute anemia.
Hayley from the UK sent me a very nice email response and I thought I’d share it with everyone.
It reads:
My name is Hayley and I’m from the UK. I just want to say how fantastic your videos are and has made me want to follow the career I want to pursue even more, being a paramedic. Thank you.
Hayley H., age 16
Hello Hayley,
Thank you for taking the time to write. It’s great to hear that you are enjoying the RoyOnRescue series of video blog entries. I hope that you will continue to find them helpful, interesting and educational. Best wishes on your pursuit of an EMS career. There’s nothing like being a paramedic and being able to help others in their time of crisis. EMS is filled with everything from comedy to tragedy and the successful EMS provider is one that can cope well with each situation and know that they did their best regardless of the outcome. Let me know if I can be of further assistance and congratulations on Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee celebration! 60 years…Wow!
Maybe you work with patients that are wheelchair bound and may, at times, be too large or have disabilities that limit your ability to get them out of the wheelchair in a hurry. Especially when they begin to choke during meal time. I received a phone call message regarding this very situation and though we had a great discussion about what to do for the patient over the phone, the person I was talking with thought it would be a great idea for it to be made into a video training. So, here you go Maria! I hope it helps.
In this episode of RoyOnRescue, Roy Shaw, Paramedic answers a question that came in this week that read.
“Is it true that conscious victims can also go into shock? And if so, is comforting and re-assuring the patient important?”
I thought that these were fair questions and deserved a RoyOnRescue explanation… video style. So be sure and watch and let me know if you have any further questions.
In this episode of RoyOnRescue, Roy talks about why cardiac arrests secondary to traumatic injuries, especially rapid deceleration accidents are so hard to resuscitate. Roy goes a bit more in depth about how every deceleration or rapid acceleration accident really is more like three different collisions. Car hits wall, body hits car and organs hit inside of the body…that’s 3. Now take a closer look at how it happens in this episode of RoyOnRescue.