I tried to release this video episode on Friday and unfortunately had some media problems. I wanted to make sure to address some of the questions regarding how people could be injured by the Meteor explosion if it never hit the earth. Great question, because the meteorite entered earths atmosphere so fast and burned so brightly when it came in, it drew thousands of peoples attention and they went near windows to gaze up at the aftermath of it’s entry. While people were standing by, the sonic boom was so loud, it shattered windows, caved in buildings and in some cases even blew in doors. The shards of broken glass was the greatest cause of injuries. But some reports said there could have been ear drum damage, some eye and vision disorders and I believe even one cardiac arrest though this may be hard to confirm. If you have any interest in what happened want to see shocking footage and how these injured people could have protected themselves, be sure to watch this episode of RoyOnRescue.
Category Archives: Disaster

Big Waves Can Mean Big Danger
It’s been a while but it’s good to be back. In this episode I explain why it’s been so long between my last vlog and this latest release. I also talk about a first hand experience I had watching dangerous undertows and sideways currents when I took my family to Lake Michigan on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. The waves were 4-6 feet and they may have made a very dangerous situation. Be sure to watch in order to learn more about how to keep others safe at the beach.
For explanation of Rip Tides and Under Tow click here: http://www.ripcurrents.noaa.gov/glossary.shtml
Staying Safe In the Winter Storm of 2011!
Hello Everyone,
Most of us know what to do to prepare for a bad winter storm, but because we all can use reminders from time to time, I thought I’d post a video blog that just highlights some of the things to think about. From generators to alternative heat sources, driving safety measures to foods that are easy to store, to ways to safely remove snow from our roofs, this video blog tries to highlight some important things to remember while weathering a winter storm.
Hope it helps in time.
Best Wishes,
Roy, RoyOnRescue.com