This episode of iRescueRadio was originally released in November of 2008. In it we discussed how stem cells have shown to help the body accept an organ transplant; we investigated the reasons for misdiagnosis of asthma and other illnesses, such as overworked doctors and excess paperwork; a new skin cancer vaccine is discussed; and the power of sleep as a memory aid and an important agent to fight cancer.
Tag Archives: health
Can Deadly Spiders Live In Store Boxes? Can Computers Track The Flu? Find Out Now!
This episode was originally recorded in 2008. It was our first broadcast of 45 total before we ended the show.
On this week’s iRescueRadio, we cover stories ranging from a Canberra, Australian man who gets bit by an extremely deadly Australian Brown Snake… and lives! Next, a boy in Belding, Michigan is bit by a black widow spider…guess where it came from! And then, we cover Google Flu Trends and a hilarious look at the effects of music on your health. All this on this episode of iRescueRadio. Listen now by clicking on the play arrow below.
Why Is Smog So Dangerous In Los Angeles In the Summer?
A rescue fan wrote in and asked, “Why is smog worse in the summer in Los Angeles?”
I did a little research and found the following. I hope it helps.
SMOG, nicknamed in the 19th century for the “smoke” and “Fog” found in London due to coal burning fireplaces and furnaces and low hanging fog can be a real problem with increased pollution. One of the reasons smog is so dangerous is due to the fact that many times higher than the safe level of pollution particles hangs in the air like a nebulizer mist. when inhaled, this polution can get into our blood stream and effect our whole body and vital organs. There has been a lot of concern about this especially in China. Over 8000 deaths have been attributed to SMOG in China and I’m sure that long term affects are even worse.
In an article by the “The Daily Green”, it stated that, “ozone needs heat and sunlight to form from its precursor chemicals. That’s why you hear warnings about air pollution most often on hot sunny summer days. But be aware: Ozone persists for hours after forming, so unhealthy conditions often last well into the evening, after the sun has gone down. Also be aware that ozone isn’t the only pollutant out there. Another major cause for concern are fine particulates — dust and soot, but also tiny chemical droplets. Particulates can cause air pollution problems year round, especially since furnaces and wood-burning stoves can produce unhealthy levels in the winter.”(
China too has hit an all time high in air pollution and a complication with Smog.( It is said that High levels of air pollution in China’s cities leads to 350,000-400,000 premature deaths.(
So what can be done if you find yourself “socked in” by a cloud of toxic particulate? Well, depending on the chemicals in the air, we could walk around with particulate filtering masks designed with the appropriate micron filter. But this is not sustainable. It is helpful however, if you find yourself in such a situation. It would be wise to view it like any hazardous environment and try to escape as soon as possible. One should be aware that some of these chemicals can enter our bodies via eyes, nose, mouth, food, water and in some cases the skin or breaks in the skin. So, the next time you go outside and can take a deep breath of fresh air and view the nice minty green lichen growing on the north side of your trees, be sure to thank God that you don’t have to deal with terrible conditions of these very polluted locations. Oh, but remember, air moves
everywhere and it eventually affects us all. So, don’t forget to call your government reps and let them know you’re thinking about them and the anti pollution policies their voting on. Here, and everywhere else too!
Here’s a News Video About The China Smog.
iRescueRadio 045: Facebook Hijack and 911
In this episode of iRescueRadio, you listen to a re-release of an original recording back from 2008, where we talk about the following:
Millions of people enjoy Facebook to share pictures, thoughts, friends and everything inbetween. How would you feel if a thief hijacked your account and pretended to be you to all your friends? It can happen; listen in to see what happened to Jody’s account. Also join the iRescue Radio guys as they discuss the 911 system and how new technology could add challenges but make it even better.
Facebook Security:
iRescueRadio 044: Merry Christmas 2010
Here it is…our 2010 Christmas episode. Roy, Jody, and Dan are back in front of the mics with fun, interesting Christmas accident statistics that really make you think. Have you ever eaten a Christmas decoration and thought it was chocolate? Did the crunchy, plastic goodness give it away? If so, you have many friends. Have you ever watered the Christmas tree with the lights still plugged in? You probably shouldn’t do that anymore. Listen in for more tips to stay safe this Christmas.
iRescueRadio 042: Fainting, Aliens, Sleep Paralysis, Dreams
Sleep disorders affect millions of people. Associated problems can range from feeling tired during the day to life threatening cardiovascular damage. If you have had difficulty with sleep maybe it is something other than a medical condition. Maybe it is those pesky aliens that keep abducting people in the night. Are aliens abducting people or could it be sleep paralysis? You’ll have to listen in to find out. The iRescueradio guys are up to their usual antics with Dan’s fainting, Roy’s research, and Jody’s dreaming.
We’ve included a bonus feature this week, a “behind the scenes” blooper. Jody learned a valuable lesson about reviewing research before trying to use it.
iRescueRadio 041:Spiders, Insect Bites, Rescue Dog, Good Sounds
Its been a good week at the iRescueradio studio. A little training, something interesting and lots of fun are all wrapped up in this show. You’ll have to listen to find out why Dan’s going buggy, Jody’s in a different camp, and Roy’s letting out some interesting sounds.
iRescueRadio 040: Welcome back, Airsickness, Toilet Phobia
iRescueradio has been retooled and is on again after some time away. Thank you to our number one fan, Ryan, for encouraging us in our endeavors. You won’t want to miss this comeback show where Dan shares an upsetting story, Roy flushes out an interesting article, and Jody laughs alot.
iRescueRadio 017: A Special Guest Host to Intern in China, what Health Issues could he face?
This episode of iRescueRadio features our regular hosts, Roy, Dan and Jody. And it also has a special guest: Tyler. It’s a fun episode that is a bit of a departure from our regular format.
They talk about Tyler’s upcoming internship in China this summer and the health issues that may result from that if Tyler is not careful.
Enjoy it! It’s a really fun listen.
iRescueRadio 003: Television and Health, High School Basketball Player Heart Attack, Neighborhood Rescue
This week we discuss how tv has a negative health and social effects on children; we learn about the condition of a High School basketball player that collapsed with a heart attack in the middle of a game, and the outcome of that; and a CPR rescue story!
Also discussed this week: how technology may be altering how brains work, and the FDA’s decision to discount melamine’s danger in infant formula.