iRescueRadio 002: Stem Cells, Overworked Doctors, Cancer Vaccine, Asthma, and Sleep

irescueradioep2This episode of iRescueRadio was originally released in November of 2008.  In it we discussed how stem cells have shown to help the body accept an organ transplant; we investigated the reasons for misdiagnosis of asthma and other illnesses, such as overworked doctors and excess paperwork; a new skin cancer vaccine is discussed; and the power of sleep as a memory aid and an important agent to fight cancer.

iRescueRadio Episode 2 [Download]

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iRescueRadio 042: Fainting, Aliens, Sleep Paralysis, Dreams

Sleep disorders affect millions of people. Associated problems can range from feeling tired during the day to life threatening cardiovascular damage.  If you have had difficulty with sleep maybe it is  something other than a medical condition. Maybe it is those pesky aliens that keep abducting people in the night.  Are aliens abducting people or could it be sleep paralysis? You’ll have to listen in to find out.   The iRescueradio guys are up to their usual antics with Dan’s fainting,  Roy’s research,  and Jody’s dreaming.

We’ve included a bonus feature this week, a “behind the scenes” blooper.  Jody learned a valuable lesson about reviewing research before trying to use it.

iRescueRadio Episode 42 [Download]

Blooper [Download]
